Yesterday I spoke on how God is listening! I reference a passage in which David was crying out to God in a very emotional state!
Psalms 28:1-2 GW By David. O LORD, I call to you. O my rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. If you remain silent, I will be like those who go into the pit. (2) Hear my prayer for mercy when I call to you for help, when I lift my hands toward your most holy place.
I recently hear about a new cycle of abuse, and how it looks. It made alot of sense to me, and I wanted to share this with you!
Abuse - Guilt - Excuses - Blame - Normal or maybe Cordial behavior - Fantasizing - Setup a situation to enact the plan - Abuse again!
Is the guilt sincere? I have to wonder at times, and I have to wonder if it is more shame that things may get OUT into the open! Excuses for their behavior, and of course blame which basically never takes any personal responsiblity. I never liked the term 'honeymoon', and have often heard of the term 'hoovering' which basically means trying to suck you back into their world. LOL At first I was wondering what vaccuming had to do with it! I mean Hoover Vaccum! YEP - they had to explain that one! Normal or cordial behavior is another good term! They try to win back your confidence in them, and remind you that they aren't a 'bad' person, etc. Fantasizing is basically planning the next rage session. Setting up the situation to enact their plan, and then basically you are at the starting gates of the Abuse again.
Lets look at the next set of scripture with Psalms:
Psalms 28:3-5 GW Do not drag me away with wicked people, with troublemakers who speak of peace with their neighbors but have evil in their hearts. (4) Pay them back for what they have done, for their evil deeds. Pay them back for what their hands have done, and give them what they deserve. (5) The LORD will tear them down and never build them up again, because they never consider what he has done or what his hands have made.
In Psalm 28:3-5 states that even though the wrongdoer looks good on the outside God sees them for whom they really are. They can't hide from HIM! He sees their hearts!
It is spoken about in different parts of scripture as well, and here is another example in 1 Samuel:
1 Samuel 16:7 GW But the LORD told Samuel, "Don't look at his appearance or how tall he is, because I have rejected him. God does not see as humans see. Humans look at outward appearances, but the LORD looks into the heart."
How often does this happen? Looking at appearances? God will hold them accountable for their harmful intents and actions! In Psalms 28:4 above IS what abusers have to look forward to! Its not vindictive as some would think - its the Just hand of GOD!
Why? Look at verse 5 of that same passage!
The LORD will tear them down and never build them up again, because they never consider what he has done or what his hands have made.
This scripture can give abusers some hope, and they can avoid this judgement of the Lord is you 'show regard for the works of the Lord and what his hands have done!'
1) Abusers must turn from their evil ways, and show regard for the people that God has made in his own image - that means their victims and everyone else as well!
2) Repent of the abusive behavior, and take steps to keep themselves from hurting anyone again.
3) Show regard for the fact that Jesus died for us, and that we must accept his gift of forgiveness. Surrender to him and allow him to change your life!
4) Show regard for God's word, and study it, obey it, and listen to the Holy spirit as it leads you.
If perpetrators that abuse don't change they are looking at the Just power of God! We are told that to often as we need to change, and nothing is mentioned of others! Change yourself is good for everyone! We will always have room for improvement! What people seem to forget is the reminder that perpetrators need when they do NOT! People tend to shift back to victims, and tell him we have only heard YOUR side of the story! God saw both sides, and he will be Just in return for this action! What you don't hear to often is that God will hold them accountable for their harmful intents, and actions!
God won't look to you and say:
Did you make him/her feel loved and respected? Maybe they wouldn't react that way if you did!
Did you have a tone of voice or attitude about you?
Maybe your tears - even if you are hurt - are looked at from them as manipulation!
God won't hand the perpetrator of abuse excuses! He will show them how he is Just towards those that show no regard for what the works of the Lord, and what his hands have created!
You remember that movie "My Bodyguard"? LOL Well God is similiar I guess you could say! Its a visual for you! We don't have to pay money for his protection, and we don't have to talk him into it! He listens when we ask, and he will be just in his answers!
What do you think this change would look like to you?
Tommorrow we speak about Part Three - God is Able!
Healing Through Fighting - Part One God is Listening
Healing Through Fighting - Part Three God is Able
Healing Throught Fighting - Conclusion
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