Bishop Charles Finnell
It starts out with:
Domestic violence is a regular part of central Indiana news headlines, and some experts say it is on the rise. Last year, domestic violence claimed 79 lives in Indiana, affecting the rich and the poor of every race, and even people of faith.
Bishop Charles Finnell States:
Recognizing problems within the vocation, Bishop Charles Finnell and his wife Vivian have worked to shatter the silence on domestic abuse for years by educating their congregation at Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Assembly in Indianapolis and holding community forums outside the church.
"Most of you know that there is a great problem in our society with domestic violence," said Bishop Finnell as he urged faith leaders to take a stand against domestic abuse. "I think the church has been in denial that the problem exists."
"Someone has to say this is wrong. This isn't right. This isn't God-like," Vivian Finnell, Christ Temple First Lady said. "God is not an abuser."
The Finnells say sometimes people use the Bible as an excuse for abuse.
"We have misinterpreted the scripture many times and used it to manipulate and control our partners."Bishop Finnell says one verse in the fifth chapter of Ephesians asks a wife to submit to her husband, but after reading the whole chapter, the full meaning becomes clear.
"It's a mutual submission. Both the husband voluntarily yielding to the wife and the wife voluntarily yielding herself in love to the husband" Bishop Finnell explained.
He said Ephesians has a command for husbands as well as wives, "Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the church."
"It's a sacrificial love. It's a love that does not cause pain and does not cause hurt," Vivian Finnell added.
The Finnell's pray that their church understands what the Bible really means when it refers to men as the head of the household. They fear abusive personalities interpret that as a dictatorship......... For the entire Article
One last important portion of the article:
The Indiana Partnership to Prevent Violent Injury and Death has made a special brochure for the faith community. The brochure includes seven weeks of domestic violence awareness topics to use in sermons or messages to congregations. Call 278-0945 to get the free brochure or download it here.
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