Sanctuary for the Abused has hit a mark of 300,000 hits on her blog! I personally wanted to congratulate her for such an awesome milestone!
Barbara covers just about every aspect of abuse you can think of, and finds resources that have helped many over the years. She is good person - herself - as well. We have emailed each other over the years, and I have always been highly impressed with her!
I started to notice her posts first on a verbal abuse board that came across when I first started my journey. She would post resources for us all, and the information she found was incredible! She has been giving to others for a long time, and she did this as she was suffering herself in the most awful ways from her own abuser.
If you are looking for resources on abuse, and extra aspects like porn, Narcissism, child abuse, personality disorders and much MUCH more please check out her blog! She won't disappoint you!
One nice thing is that you know this information is coming from someone with a big heart, knowledge and character! She is doing this to help others, and give them the information they need to do what needs to be done in their own life's. Always respecting the differences of every one's path!
Check her out, and give her a plug! She certainly deserves!
P.S. She was my inspiration to start my own blog!
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gosh thanks H.
BTW - I have 2 abusers, not just one. But I am not counting my late Nmother, the sociopath I dated for 3 years who tried to kill me and 2 other narc boyfriends.
I have to share more of my journey with you I guess - but the only real way, I have found, to heal - is to help others. And most importantly: VALIDATE THE ABUSED PERSON!!
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