I was asked to put a page together that linked all the videos together. You can clearly see, hear and almost feel the abuse this man uses with his family.
Visions of Emotional and Verbal Abuse - Can you feel the humilation
Entitlement, Minimize and Divert
Do as I say and NOT as I do!
Abuser tears down the children as well.
Compare church approach verus Super Nanny towards domestic violence
Damage of Emotional Abuse and Verbal Abuse
Building Back Trust after Domestic violence
Domestic Violence - Can they change?
Damage of domestic violence, and the hard road to healing
Series of Emotional Abuse and Verbal Abuse you hear, feel, and see using a recently Super Nanny Show.
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Hannah, thanks for the links. Makes it easier. Blessings!
lol It does doesn't it! Didn't think of that at the time!
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