Lessons from the Woman at the Well is another current book that is on the market geared towards women within the church dealing with domestic violence.
BibleForums has a thread in which she writes out some of things she has learned from the past, and it does start out a bit rough. I feel it has some very sound advice, and she goes answer questions on the thread itself as well.
If you would like to read the author's personal testimony she has posted that as well!
Betty Ashanti Davis I felt did a wonderful job of writing on the thread, and she addressed some of the attitudes we write about here on this blog. Her book is worth checking out as well! In the up coming weeks I will be speaking about a number of others I have read as well about domestic violence in the church.
I understand the author is currently working on getting a website together as well, and I wish Betty Ashanti Davis and her new book Lessons from the Woman at the Well must success! Its so neat to be seeing so many authors finally coming forth, and writing about domestic violence and church. Remember Emotional Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Sexual Abuse along with other forms are also forms of domestic violence.
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