By: Lisa Marchesoni
Posted: Friday, January 9, 2009 11:29 am
Cpl. Nathan Pagel
Helping pastors and church members deal with domestic violence issues more effectively is the goal of a sheriff’s corporal who developed a presentation about domestic violence dynamics based on Biblical terms.
Cpl. Nathan Pagel is the son of Church of Christ preacher Wayne Pagel, who retired after 40 years of service in Giles County. The corporal teaches classes about the dynamics of domestic violence at the sheriff’s office.
Pagel hopes his experiences will help pastors and church members better address domestic violence and help domestic violence victims who might be reached by the church.
“I felt like people (pastors and church members) needed more education” beyond recommendations of counseling, prayer and advice to stay together and work out problems, the corporal said.
“I developed a 30-minute presentation about laws and dynamics and what church members can do to help somebody,” Pagel said.
The Power Point presentation covers state law and explains the legal aspects, general dynamics and power and control used by abusers.
Abusers may sometimes justify their actions through religious terms such as women must be submissive to their husbands, he explained. Pagel counters the actions by responding through Biblical terms how husbands are supposed to honor their wives like Jesus Christ honored the church.
The presentation is geared to children ages 12 and above and adults.
Pagel gave the first presentation at his church, Rockvale Church of Christ whose members were receptive.
Ministers who are interested in having Pagel give the presentation at church may contact Pagel by voice mail at 904-3058, extension 4167, or through email at He will conduct the class for free while off duty during Sunday or Wednesday night services.
What an awesome opportunity for churches to hear a presentation from a police officer that is very familiar with scripture! Our thanks to the The Murfeeesboro Post and Cpl. Nathan Pagel for this very important story!
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church need to hear about domestic abuse, some of the worst case I have worked with have come out of abusive churches. there they would not let of women leave the abusive man also she was not supposed to talk to any one about the abuse because it would make the church look bad.
I know what you mean. It would make her husband look bad as well.
The deal is - God sees it, and that is whom they should be worrying about.
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