I read an article today called, ‘Sharing Cake with Prostitutes and Gay Couples, Alike’.
There was a video attached to the article, and I have to tell you this man was very entertaining!
You notice each time you mention to uppity Christians that their approach to things at times isn’t very attractive they get all bent out of shape?
He called them the Country Club Christians, and he has a point. Its an attitude more than ‘literally’ being part of a Country club…yet (snickers) you know they will mention that don’t belong to one anyway.
You have a lady that no doubt has been used and abused all of her life, and if I were guessing someone that never knew love, compassion, or experienced any true empathy. Yet, the owners of the diner he went to that night mentioned what a nice person she is. Despite what profession she has? What a GOOD person she is.
The Pastor above brought decorations, and the diner baked a birthday cake for the next night when she came for her break at 3:30 in the morning. The owner of the diner had a wife, and she sent out WORD that they were going to Celebrate Agnes’s Birthday. She had quite a crowd that came to join her.
At the end of the story she (Agnes) didn’t want to cut her cake, but wanted to bring it 2 doors down first to show it to her mother. She would be back, but she wanted her mother to see it first. As we know from the story she never had a birthday celebration her entire life.
What they didn’t go into in the video that I can see happening? She went to show her mother the cake that she was so proud of, and in return her mother gave her some nasty response. Yes, similar to her friend’s response in the story when she mentioned she never had a Birthday party in her life.
Why would they do that for you? What, now you are all ‘special’ because someone BAKED you a cake? Did they cough up cash as presents since they took time away from your job to do this? If they didn’t give you cash for your time…it was a waste of time.
Anyone else familiar with this attitude? Someone that wants to take the wind out of your sails?
Now the Country Club Christians would be quick to mention that ‘Christian’ parents would never be that cruel.
Sure, maybe they wouldn’t be that cruel to their children…but what about to Agnes (the prostitute)? Notice their response had NOTHING to do with her. Sadly, it has to everything to do with THEM…instead.
Now lets read what he said at the end of the video. She had just left to go to her mother, and there was a uncomfortable silence…and he began to pray:
….and I prayed that God would make her new because we are here to declare the good news. That no matter where you have been, or what you have done Jesus can make you new.
When I finished the prayer, Harry (owner of the diner) leaned across the counter and said,
“HEY Campolo you told us you were a sociologist. YOUR a PREACHER! What kind of church you preach in?”
And in one of those moments when you come up with JUST the right words...
I said, “I preach at a church that throws birthday parties for whores at 3:30 in the morning!”
I never forget his response. NEVER!
He said, “NO you DON'T, Nahh you don't.”
He said, “I would JOIN a church like THAT!”
Wouldn't we all??
Wouldn't we all LOVE to join a church that threw Birthday Parties for whores at 3:30 in the morning!
I got news for YOU! I GOT NEWS FOR YOU!
That is the kind of church that Jesus came to create! I don't know where we came up with this one that is 1/2 country club!
Jesus came to create a people that would give people parties that have no parties! Celebration into the lifes that have NOTHING TO CELEBRATE!
If all you got to offer a bowl of soup and some clothes ...its not enough. Jesus came and said that my joy might be in YOU! and that your JOY might be FULL! And we must do more than just give them bread and some clothes.
We have to bring love and joy into their lifes.
Now, notice at times when people bring home a HUGE point like he has? They will be begin to tear him down. You know like the media does towards politics they don’t like?!
His confession of faith isn’t just right. He believes this, and we all know THAT is wrong! What he says about Jesus on other issues is wrong…YOU know the drill! He must be one of ‘those’.
They divert the point that he made that was correct, and figured out ways of discrediting him instead. They find something about him they disagree with, and just assume everything that comes out of his mouth from then on…is wrong too.
Here is one comment about the video that tends to make the point stronger:
don't think anyone would refute the notion that prostitutes' birthdays are valid.
Furthermore, if a prostitute announced, in church, that she had accepted the Lord Jesus as her savior on Sunday, but sold her body to a strange man on Saturday night, are we to believe that her confession was genuine? Does that church have the right and/or the responsibility to perform biblical church discipline or to reject her as a member?
Finally, if I claim that homosexuality is not a sin, must I then also claim that prostitution is not a sin?
Notice the poster went down a LONG whining road that has NOTHING to do with the point that was made? Matter of fact it better much ‘validated’ it.
He was willing to give a prostitute some bread – by allowing her the opportunity to accept Jesus…yet was not willing to do more. No, reminding us that he has the RIGHT or RESPONSIBILITY to perform discipline…and reject her is a MUCH more the important point. HE MUST be able to call out SIN, but what about finding ways to bring love and joy?
That extra step beyond the bread is so important, and it SHOULD be so in your face OBVIOUS too. Yet, getting defensive and showing our country club attitude is the response instead. Next, they will claim that ISN’T what is keeping people from the Lord’s house!
Notice that this ‘Christian’ did the same thing her mother did in my example.
Why would I do that for you? What, now you are all ‘special’ because you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Did you stop sleeping with strange men on Saturday? I have the biblical RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to perform church discipline, and reject you as a member. YOU were a waste of time, because we call SIN out here.
Nice right?
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
New International Version (NIV)
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
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Awesome post, Hannah!!! I'm reminded of the fact that Jesus served Bread to Judas at the last supper, even though he knew Judas would betray him with a kiss. I love that you printed out the dialogue in the diner, including my favorite line from Harry: "I would join a church like THAT!!!" :)
I'm reposting this in my comment section.
Thank you Anne! You have a good point about Judas!
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