I have a blog roll with relating sites regarding Abuse and Faith. I have been slowing adding to the list lately, because I had neglected for a while!
I wanted to point them out, and you can also see some others that have been there for a while. I will be adding more soon!
Links - I tried to place general links to places of interest!
Broken People
The Description:
This is a community for people who are struggling and searching. Life can be fine one day and unstable the next. Sometimes the people you count on the most let you down or abandon you. One day you have a good job and financial security; the next day you are homeless and destitute.
But in the midst of all your life storms, there is hope! You may find glimmers of hope here and there through the generosity and compassion of fellow travelers. But the hope you can count on for all eternity, that pulls you through the darkest night and deepest pit, comes only from one source--your Creator who made you and loves you.
I'm a broken, screwed-up daughter of Eve, but He has redeemed my brokenness and made me beautiful through the light of His love. I don't have all the answers, but I will share with you some of the lessons God has taught me through many failures and losses, as well as in significant successes and blessings.
PASCH or Peace and Safety
Peace and Safety in the Christian Home (PASCH) is a coalition of internationally renowned Christian researchers, scholars and theologians who have joined together to increase peace and safety in the Christian home and in the world it serves by addressing and decreasing domestic and sexual abuse in those homes.
PASCH seeks to accomplish this through:
Prayer: Our objective is to establish an international prayer network of people desiring to see domestic and sexual abuse eliminated in the Christian home and community.
Collaboration: Our objective is to identify and collaborate with already existing individuals and organizations committed to ending domestic and sexual abuse in the Christian home and community. Prayerfully, this may establish a central place to link Christians working to eliminate abuse.
Resources: Our objective is to identify and disseminate already existing resources that address our mission and to develop resources where none exist.
Education and Training: Our objectives are:
To raise awareness of the Biblical mandate for peace and safety in the Christian home and community.
To raise awareness of the extent of the problem of domestic and sexual abuse in the Christian community.
To provide education, training and resources that specifically address and provide solutions to the problem of abuse in the Christian home and community.
To host an international conference annually or bi-annually where Christian educators, theologians, service providers, clergy, para-church organizations, law enforcement personnel, and lay persons (both those providing help and needing help), can convene to create vision, share resources, and stimulate further advancement in the arena of ending domestic and sexual abuse in the Christian home and community.
Because It Matters
Danni speaks about abuse within the Church - because it matters! She addresses domestic violence, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse. She speaks out these matters in a very well written way, because most of the time it tends to be ignored.
Under the Resource Tab I have added:
Emotional Abuse
This is a good resource to use if you would like to SEE explanations of emotional abuse, and the dynamics.
The Weaker Vessel
Abuser Database
Do you want to learn more about how pastors and other religious leaders can respond to victims of domestic violence?
Are you interested in curriculum on family violence that is designed especially for clergy?
Do you have some questions about domestic abuse and communities of faith that you would like to research further?
Are you interested to learn more about how abuse impacts the average congregation?
IF so, our ONLINE TRAINING may be just right for you.
Men's Links -
Husband Abuse Blog
When Mom's the Abuser I wasnt sure where to stick this one, but it could be a good general link...and it speaks about women abusers!
Video Links
When Love Hurts: Understanding and Healing of Domestic Violence ..Direct Video Link at bottom
When Apologies are Dangerous - link at Bottom of post
Facing the Giants
Forgiveness - What is it?
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Thanks for linking to us at PASCH (Peace and Safety in the Christian Home). We've just launched a new website, and the correct address is www.peaceandsafety.com
I will make sure and change that!
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