Their words are sweet, and the tone is so mellow as they chant their poison to others. They basically are preaching hate, and this should be non existent in our places of worship.
Did you ever notice that some circles ALWAYS see the ‘worse’ in everyone except themselves? It seems taking the speck out of their own eye prior to dealing with the log in someone else’s ONLY applies when they feel it does.
Who do they think they are?
Should I leave my church?
What a personal question, and I’m sorry I feel is a personal answer as well.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? by Albert Mohler
I will admit that some reasons people leave a church are rather baffling, but everyone needs to find a church (if they feel draw to belong to one) that feeds them in a profitable way. What I mean by that is DO THEY bring you closer to Christ, and feed your soul to live for him?! If they can’t reach you? They can’t feed you or teach you either.
If you think about it’s a rather ‘dahhhhh’ moment. Isn’t serving, worship, teaching, learning, etc important aspects of your faith journey? Sure it is! I guess you can robotically do your share, and stay…but why? Find a place of worship that is able to reach you and your family. That is SO important!
One of Mohler’s side notes is about people leaving over the worship music.
One person maybe more receptive to the older hymns that I grew up on, and others may need the more contemporary theme. For myself? I enjoy both at times.
Some hymns seem to drone on and on and put me to sleep. Some contemporary music seems to lack the substance I feel is needed. Neither are perfect.
I will say most of the churches that I have attended play more than one song, and if I don’t enjoy one – I may enjoy another. No church will ever give you 100% of your taste in music 100% of the time. That’s okay as well! It happens. I may enjoy the music one week, and not the other. Big deal.
I love music myself, and it does effect my mood and receptiveness at times. NOT always, but sometimes! So if all I hear is long droning hymns? I maybe snoring during the sermon as they have already put me to sleep.
If all I hear is no substance contemporary music – that repeats one line over and OVER again all the time – I feel like they want me to be in some hypnotic state, and you will lose me once again.
That is just me, and my reactions maybe different from others. Its okay. God made us all custom, and we all are different. Don’t tell me I’m BAD because I don’t react as you do.
If you can’t go along with SOME program YOU are hurting the cause of Christ. I’m sorry, but that is SO dumb and out of touch with most of mankind.
Just as a side note I have never left a church over their music myself. I would also offer up that most people that mention the ‘music’ will also have other issues as well. I don’t think they pay attention to that part, because telling others they left the church over music? WELL it helps their ego a bit! Calling people ‘church shoppers’, and making them sound selfish for leaving? Sigh.
I mean WHO do they think THEY ARE?