Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Abuse, Faith, Divorce and the media!

Posted by Hannah at 10:22 AM

I enjoy reading other blogs, and one of those is Adventure in Mercy. Molly has a wonderful writing style, and gets to the heart the matter in very moving ways.

Last night I went to her site again, and she mentioned that No Longer Quivering is having a Carnival from Nov. 1-4th. This just happens to be another blog I like to read from time to time as well!

The news was pretty exciting!

Beginning Sunday evening, Nov. 1st until we collapse sometime before midnight on Thursday the 5th ~ we’re creating a party-like atmosphere which includes fun & games ~ and even some cool prizes!

Just as soon as we published the dates for our carnival, I got a call asking me to appear on the Joy Behar Show ~ on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Joy Behar's show is on CNN for those that don't know. If I remember correctly Joy used to be on The View. WELL now I just looked up The View for the website, and I guess she is still on that show as well! Shows you how much television I watch huh? lol!

I was never part of the quivering movement as far as faith, but I have noticed that it really doesn't matter when it comes to abuse within the home and church.  Divorce is frowned upon within any type of church, and I hope Joy's show will bring to light how the church tends to ignore domestic violence within the church - no matter what type it is.

Here is a quote from Adventures in Mercy:

The Biblical Patriarchy teachings are so blinding to women in abusive situations, that one common theme in these stories is that the women themselves didn’t know that’s what was going on.  How can you?   As a dear friend of mine put it recently, it was only after deconstructing complementarianism that she was able to see that her over-twenty-year marriage (of severe physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual abuse) was abusive.

Abusive situations are hard enough as it is, but when you mix God into it and teach women that *God* says they have no rights to personal boundaries, no greater calling than to obey their husband’s will, no power to make decisions about the course of their life unless their husband/head/lord allows them to have it, then, well…

Since then, more contributers have come forward, sharing their own stories on the blog and the forum.  Many of them have now left the faith, and, really, who could blame them?  When people (like mainstream CBMW leaders) teach that gender roles are part and parcel of the gospel, and that’s what you’ve been taught all your life, um…?   Then you really aren’t stretching it to think that you have to leave Jesus in order to escape a destructive marriage.

 One commenter on the forum there put it so plainly, explaining that she knew “divorce was a sin,” but living with her abusive husband was no life worth living, so, in the end, she decided to divorce and leave her faith at the same time.  Because of the teachings of the Biblical Patriarchy camp, she believed she *had* to leave God if she left her abusive husband… 

It sounds like an exciting show tonight, and I wanted to get that out to everyone so they could look for it.  It should be an interesting conversation about abuse, faith, divorce on CNN with Joy Behar.

You can check into the No More Quivering blog for updates through out the day as she speaks about this adventure she is on!

I will leave you with a video.

This video is showing quotes of famous male christian leaders who have belittled women by their comments. The pictures are of women who are serving God in different capacities. The purpose of the video is to show how sexist church leaders have been, and still are in some cases.  When I read some of them?  I was absolutely appalled! You have to wonder if these attitudes were WHY 'feminism' was started to begin with huh?

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molleth on 4:41 PM said...

Thanks for the kind words. I love your blog, too! :)

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