Awesome Story!
The video starts with silence. In other words it looks like you didn't turn up your speakers, or there is something wrong with the video. Its a short interuption after her first sentence, and then continues!

Awesome Story!
But the spirit of this world has a different set of criteria for divorce and believers everywhere are buying into it – this is obvious because statistics show that "Christian" marriages break up at the same rate as the rest of American society. If a spouse is physically abusive, counselors will rightly advise a person to remove themselves for their own safety. And the Bible gives recourse for such an eventuality:
"Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife" (1 Cor. 7: 10-11).
This leaves room for repentance on the part of the abuser. But a worldly counselor will advise the spouse to divorce such a one, which is NOT in keeping with Scripture.
But now it is taken even farther. Today counselors are telling people that "emotional" abuse is just as detrimental as physical abuse and the determining factor to find out if you are in such an abusive relationship is very subjective. If people were honest with themselves, they would have to admit that all of us receive and dish out emotional abuse to those we love one way or another. And the word "emotional" abuse is becoming the number one reason people give when entering divorce court today. But that should not be so in Christian marriages, but unfortunately it is.
I entered the phrase "emotional abuse" into the Google search engine and got back 945,000 hits. The top site was a place called "Education Wife Assault" and they have a list of questions to ask yourself to determine if you are in an "emotional" abusive relationship, that include:
* Do you feel that something is wrong with your relationship, but you don't know how to describe it?
* Do you feel that your partner controls your life?
* Do you feel that your partner does not value your thoughts or feelings?
* Do you feel that you cannot do anything right in your partner's eyes?
* Do you have to account for every moment of your time?
* If you wish to spend money, does your partner make you account for every penny?
* Does your partner blame you for everything that goes wrong?
Certainly, if a spouse answers ‘yes’ to these questions, s/he should bring it up to his/her spouse and seek biblical counseling if things can’t be worked out. These are symptoms that there is a problem in the relationship. But they are NOT biblical reasons to divorce and yet that is what it is becoming.
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