Don't forget to click the title to straight to the source of this interview. Family Life Today is a ministry that did this interview.
Nancy Murphy, the Executive Director of Northwest Family Life Learning and Counseling Center, talks about the domestic abuse she endured at the hands of her former husband. Joining her is Christian counselor Dr. Dan Allender.
The Abuse Begins (Day 1) - 25 minutes Real Player
Nancy Murphy, the executive director of Northwest Family Life Learning and Counseling Center, talks about the cycle of abuse many women endure and the fear and anger that often triggers the violence. Also joining her is Dr. Dan Allender, the founder and director of Wounded Heart Ministries.
The Root of Domestic Violence (Day 2) - 25 minutes Real Player
Ten years into the marriage, Nancy decided it was time for her and her children to leave the abuse routinely initiated by her husband. Now the executive director of Northwest Family Life Learning and Counseling Center, Nancy helps others find freedom from domestic violence. Joining her today is author, counselor, and founder of Wounded Heart Ministries, Dr. Dan Allender.
Finding Freedom From Domestic Abuse (Day 3) - 25 Minutes Real Player

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