Because of the season we are now entering I wanted to bump up a very importance ministry, and could really use support and prayers. God bless them for the work they do, and they lives save.

I'm not sure how many people actually view my blog, but I wanted to call your attention to a ministry that has helped so many. Below was something that was posted on their website. I know myself I placed some cash in envelope, and mailed it to them. It wasn't much but it was all I had.
Focus Ministries has helped alot of people, and now they need some help of their own. Below is something they wrote:
Urgent Need!
We need your prayers on our behalf now more than ever!
1. Our number of contacts (email, phone, in person) have tripled since this time last year.
2. The number of women seeking financial assistance has doubled.
3. Donations have decreased by 50% since last year.
4. We do not have sufficient funds to pay our staff (Paula, Brenda, Treva) in October. This means they may receive either a reduction in their already meager monthly allotment, or nothing at all--depending on what is available after paying other bills.
Please pray for God's provision in this time of need, and ask Him what He would have you do to help.
Tax Deductible Donations page for Focus Ministries
Please give if you can! Thank you!

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