iChalice: Unitarian Universalism meets Web 2.0 had a sermon listed, and I would encourage you to go and visit to view the entire thing.
It listed some very powerful quotes I felt.
Thisthewaith, a minister and President of a Chicago theological school, tells of a woman who had complained to her husband of his abuse and the scars she bore. He responded that her bones were his bones, as it said in the Bible – relating back to the story of Adam and Eve (“Every Two Minutes” 311). Other texts, such as 1 Peter 2:19-21 tell the faithful that they should suffer as Jesus suffered for them. As my colleague, Rev. Michael Tino writes, “If a woman is taught to believe that the pain inflicted by her abusive [partner] is a test of her faith and her willingness to keep her family together no matter what the personal cost, there is a problem with what she is being taught—not with her (Tino “Saving Paradise).”
Oh what a day that will be when the words are gentle and the homes are safe. It’s up to us, though. It’s up to us clergy to speak the truth in public at times like this. It’s up to us to teach our kids how to relate to one another and how to handle arguments. It’s up to us to reach out to one another in moments of grief and not to turn our heads when we see violence. Too often, way too often, I’ve heard the story of a woman who was abused in public, only to have people brush right by and go on with their day. “What business is it of mine,” they say and we should reply that truly Dr. King was right, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” We need not to take care of the woman with bruises; we need simply to be there with her. We need not to fix her problem, we need simply to let her know that she can survive and have a better life. We need not to make it all better for her; we need simply to end the cycle in our own lives.
Something that Rev. Rebecca Parker writes I know myself I have felt in the past, and I can't believe I'm the only one. Its sad when you think about it.
Rev. Rebecca Parker writes, “When I was in distress, I did not turn to my family or my church. In both places, I had learned that personal need had no place. The good person cares for others, but if she is hurt, frightened, confused or in need, these weaknesses are to be nursed in private, covered over or solved without bothering anyone else (Proverbs of Ashes 23).” From henceforth, know that this is a place where your hurt, fear, confusion and need are met with love and compassion. This place, this sacred space is for all of you, battered and broken, saddened and spiritless, happy and healthy. Our compassion for you will be carried in our hearts as we journey towards a world transformed by acts of love and justice.
Enjoy the sermon on domestic violence! I wanted to share today, and didn't want to hold on to it due to my cold. lol I'm a bit to foggy to write more! Blessings!

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