This is a poem from a lady we call MUNCH! It speaks of the her past, and how friends and fellowship brought her to a new place. I believe when you come to a new place - that is where your growth begins.
I'd built this mighty fortress
Around my little heart.
How could I know
With only words,
My walls you'd tear apart?
The battlement was bricked so high
The walls of rock and steel
A deep, wide moat
Locale remote
Safe guarding how I feel.
And deep inside my fortress
Emotions, safe in place
Against marauding
Bands of folks
Protected in this space.
I'd kept protected all my needs
I'd walled in all my fears
There was a risk
I dared not take
Lest others got too near.
I could not ever be afraid
To cry, was not so strong
I dared not ever
"Weakness" show
They'd come, that mighty throng!
It'd been so very many years
I've lived within this wall
I'd felt so very
Safe, secure
No fear of breach at all.
But in a momentary lapse
I let my feelings out
To run across
The fortress wall
I let them scream and shout.
I knew attention they could draw
But, in the dark of night?
Who would be there?
Oh, who would care?
I felt it'd be alright.
Around the parapets and walls
And ramparts built so high
The "Fear" came first
the rest did burst
Their little feet did fly!
"Anger", "Shame" and "Pity"
Did from the depths burst forth
Then "Pain"
And "Insecurity"
They ran for all their worth.
The "Lonesomeness" and "Sorrow"
The "Weariness" and "Stress"
My feelings were
Exposed to all
I could not hide the rest.
The "Worthlessness" and "Sadness"
And "Lack of Self Esteeme"
My "Pillar of Strength"
And "Friend To All"
Plus everything between
With your words of kind intent
And deepest empathy
You one by one
Invaded some
And started on the seige.
I did not know that you could swim
My moat so deep and wide
But swim you did
You crossed and hid
Perchance to get inside.
Then with each thoughtful printed word
The blocks from walls were slid
And one by one
I came undone
Myself, no longer hid.
I'd been invaded by the hordes
You came from out the blue
Sometimes laughter
Sometimes tears
My fear, it had come true
And one by one you've entered
My haven deep inside
You've seen me laugh
You've seen me cry
I've nothing left to hide
All my emotions running 'round
So carefully hid before
Are now exposed
And clearly seen
By you, inside my doors.
I feel I must inform you
Since entrance, you've now had...
I wouldn't have dared
To let you in
But, hey.... it's not that bad.
I've found I like the company.
Companion, mentor, friend
The sharing
Of emotions
And to this means, an end.
I am no longer quite as scared
To share these things, you see
The fearful or
The funny
They're all a part of me.
'Cause you could clearly see from
Your places 'round the globe
That I was just
In need of LOVE...
An' you weren't afraid to probe.
O'er water and through hard surface
Into the inner core
To feelings
deep inside me
I dared not share before.
And for this, I am indebted
For indeed you are my friend
You came
You saw
You conquered. My solitude, does end.
I've since then fixed the hole you made
Through my fortress wall
Instead of block
and brick and steel
It's now... a door for y'all.
A bridge I've built across the moat
For comfort and for ease
So you may come
And you may go
To visit as you please.
I may not ever get to see you
Live or face to face
But be aware
That in my heart
You'll always have a place.
I still live within my fortress
But now I'm not alone
I have support
And friendship
And LOVE, like I've never known.
By Munchkin
She dedicated this poem to her friends........

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