I was sad this morning when I read that Catherine Clark Kroeger passed away.
Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Catherine Clark Kroeger
In Memoriam: Dr. Catherine Clark Kroeger
Faith Trust Memorial
One Obituary online
Her Book, No Place for Abuse
One of the first audio presentation I remember hearing from her to me showed the silence we all experience at the church when it comes to domestic violence. Her story started with her going to her garden to pick roses for a funeral. She carefully placed them in the car with enough ice and water to make the trip without them wilting.
She drove to a funeral of her friend that she characterized loving Christian woman. It doesn't sound like from the story that she was one that she was in regular contact with, but the lady's spirit was strong enough to make an impact on Catherine.
The funeral began with the friend's coffin, and those of her two children coming down the aisle of the church for the funeral to begin. Normally, when you have loved ones that have died tragically? You speak of this tragic event during the service to help start the healing process for those they left behind. This time was different, because her husband was in jail for killing all of them. There was no mention during the service about how they died. The church was silent on the fact they died due to domestic violence within their midst.
I also remember her speaking about how she visited him in jail, due the bible stating that is what we are called to do. I will tell you right now I was taken back by this part of the story. He did speak to her in jail, but spoke about how no one truly told him that abusing his family was wrong. Catherine did mention that some of her family issues did come to light for her personally more towards the end. I also realize that abusers tend to make excuses for themselves, but I guess no one truly stopped to think that their silence does send the signal that could be taken as an endorsement to the abuser.
She ended this story with the sense of hope for the abused, but also showed validation of the silence victims do experience. She would call out to the church to be the refuge that families need, and to be that place of support and refuge.
You can read more of writings and insights on God's Word to Women, and Peace and Safety in the Christian Home.
Lastly, here is a video in which Catherine Clark Kroeger speaks of domestic violence within the church.
If you can't see the video - click here.
Search Amazon.com for catherine clark kroeger
My prayers are for family as the grieve the loss of their wife, mother, and grandmother.
Thank you Catherine for all you did for those that could not speak for themselves.

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I am so sorry--and shocked--to hear of her passing! She had just made contact with me in January and I felt I had gained a strong new friend and advocate. She was focusing on finishing her book by the January 31 deadline. I hope someone will go ahead and make sure it gets published. Cathie said her book contained a number of pictures of Grecian art--little known art because people think it is so weird. She said in the Apostle Paul's day the Greeks thought quite a number of bodily functions originated in the head. For example, they thought sperm was produced in the head and traveled down the spine. Thus the head was indeed thought to be the source of our bodily workings.
In my own work I am so aware of the debt of graditude I owe to Catherine Clark Kroeger and other writers who have gone before me. She also told me her husband had died 2 months prior and she was still reeling from his death. I miss her greatly.
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