Someone spoke about an article by what seems to be a "online" newspaper I believe!
The Daily Mail wrote an article called:
Outcry as clergy say calling God 'He' or 'Lord' encourages wife-beating
Last updated at 09:46am on 3rd October 2006
I guess the Church of England wrote recently a policy explaining Domestic Abuse in the homes of their churches. Explained what it was, what to look for, how people twist scripture and hand men all the power and control! I didn't read it all, but briefly searched for it because of the article. Did a quick read and didn't find anything wrong with it!
Church of England's Policy! its a pdf file. Its long and detailed.
Makes you wonder if Editors actually READ what they are writing about! The newspaper has a spot for comments! I left one for them also!
Church of England leaders warned yesterday that calling God 'He' encourages men to beat their wives.
They told churchgoers they must think twice before they refer to God as 'He' or 'Lord' because of the dangers that it will lead to domestic abuse.
Was how the article started! How can people be so irresponsible in their reporting on such an important issue! The church policy didn't even go anywhere NEAR that!

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